Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 298
Gyaani te agyaani dovein vekhan nun tan vakh nahin;
Gyaani nun rab pargat ey agyaani nu partakkh nahin.
Jhat pachhane jande dovein bolan atei bulaawan naal;
Bagla hans pachhanya jandai apna karam kamaavan naal.
Oh rab nun na jane bujjhe ehda rab vich dera ey;
Kahe avtar main us ton sadke jo jo vaakaf tera ey.
The spiritually enlightened and the ignorant do not appear to be different from each other.However, the enlightened person observes the omnipresent God, while the ignorant does not witness Him. The two can be easily distinguished from the way they talk to others or call them. Just as the swan and the stork can be differentiated from each other on the basis of the acts they perform. The other man (the ignorant) just does not know God, while this one (the enlightened) lives in God. Baba Avtar singh ji says that, I sacrifice my all unto whosoever has known Thee (God).